SC House Removes 25M Quantum Computer From 14B Budget

SC House Removes $25M Quantum Computer From $14B Budget

We don’t always think of state governments having IT budgets, but they do. But some big ticket items don’t always make the wish list. According to news sources, the South Carolina General Assembly recently agreed to remove a $25 million super computer from their $14 billion-dollar budget.
The money was set aside for what supporters called a “quantum computing operation” and set up a non-profit to rent time on the machine to researchers and others. It needed one-time money from the budget because the terms of the deal expired at the end of June, supporters said.
Aside from IT concerns, the state’s $13.8 billion budget for the fiscal year 2022-23 sets aside $1 billion to send hundreds of dollars of rebates to many South Carolina taxpayers. It also spends $600 million to cut the state’s top income tax rate from 7% to 6.5% and combine other rates to 3%. Lawmakers eventually plan to cut the top rate to 6%.

Now not everyone’s tech budget is going to include a quantum super computer, but you can bet it’s going to be tougher this year to get things done with that same budget mixed with record inflation and price increases just about everywhere you turn. That’s why the smartest tech leaders of mid-market organizations know about TechTrust—a unique technology buying service that provides cash-back allowances to expand IT budgets. 

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