Where Do MSE IT Leaders Spend Their Time?

What time is it when you can’t read a clock?
Time to get glasses. 
Time is certainly our most precious resource, but how are mid-size-enterprise IT leaders spending it these days?  That’s one of the key questions addressed by Gartner analysts using the data from the 2022 MES Summit Attendee Survey.  
According to the data, 74 percent of time is being spent on internal (RUN) operations/processes leaving the remaining 26 percent for innovation, transformation and growth (CHANGE). As Stephen Covey would classify it, 74 percent of time is currently spent in the URGENT/IMPORTANT (firefighting) quadrant leaving very little for the non-urgent, but still important IT work.  
Gartner analysts said the heavy emphasis on RUN operations and processes was likely due to cybersecurity and it’s rigorous demands both in terms of implementation as well as compliance.  
And how much time should IT leaders be spending on the budget and controlling costs?  Well, according to Gartner there’s not much left over.  That’s why the smartest tech leaders of mid-market organizations know about TechTrust—a unique technology buying service that provides cash-back allowances to expand IT budgets. 

Let’s Get Some of Your IT Budget Back